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Our Mission Statement is:

'To educate each and every unique child in our care, to hear and respond to what God calls them to be'

This means that we aspire to give every child the opportunity to explore their vocation in life and achieve their best both academically and personally, within a framework of spiritual and moral guidance. We therefore ensure that pupils receive high levels of care and support, particularly around their mental health and wellbeing.

What do we do and why do we do it?

As a member of the SJW community our pupils will not only receive high quality education, we will also try our best to make sure they feel safe, cared for and supported no matter what life throws at them.

The values of Jesus are central to our school. In all that we do and say, we try and show our pupils compassion and love to help them through life’s challenges. This follows the example of Jesus who always cared for those around him.

We have a dedicated team of staff who have received training in order to support members of our community. You will see them wearing yellow lanyards around school. They can also be contacted by our email address.

Early Help

Sometimes children and their families might need some extra help, this might come from a range of different organisations, all working together. For more information about Early Help click here

The links below will help support our pupils keep a healthy body, healthy mind and healthy soul.

Healthy Mind


Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people - click here

20 minute Mental Health Assembly - click here


If the current news on coronavirus is making you feel anxious, concerned or stressed, this website has tips to help - click here


Tips & guidance on a variety of things that might be concerning you at the moment - click here


An app providing a range of meditations & resources to help you relax, sleep and more - click here

Pixel thoughts

Pixel thoughts- A relaxing meditation tool for those moments when you need support - click here


Mental Health tips from the NHS - click here


Winston's Wish



Cruse Bereavement Care


Phone: 0808 808 1677



Phone: 0800 1111

Grief Encounter


Phone: 0808 802 0111

 Healthy Body

PE with Joe Wicks

Every weekday at 9am on Joe’s YouTube channel -  click here

Yoga Classes

Yoga- A great way to look after your body whilst also helping you focus your mind - click here


Ideas from the Scouts to help us keep active and moving indoors -  click here

Woodland Trust

Activities from the woodland trust to get us to explore our local areas safely - click here

BBC Good Food

Healthy recipes for you to try at home safely in your kitchen - click here

Healthy Soul

Spiritual self-care involves nurturing a connection with a higher power, the universe, or our inner selves. This can be achieved through various practices, such as:

  1. Meditation or prayer: Engaging in meditation or prayer can help to create a sense of inner peace, foster self-awareness, and promote a deeper connection with the divine.
  2. Reflecting on personal values and beliefs: Taking time to reflect on our values and beliefs can help to provide a sense of purpose and meaning in our lives.
  3. Spending time in nature: Connecting with the natural world can help to promote feelings of awe, wonder, and spiritual connection. Take time to enjoy a walk in the park, a hike in the woods, or simply sit and observe the beauty of your surroundings.
  4. Participating in spiritual or religious activities: Engaging in spiritual or religious activities that align with your beliefs can provide a sense of community, support, and spiritual nourishment.

Soul | Health Education England (

Making Space

Out-of-Sorts? Strengthening Your Mind, Body, Soul Connection Can Help (

Learn How to Meditate: A Mindful Guide to Transform Your Life

Building resilience in children and teens | Family Lives

Art activities from The Art Room - Place2Be